Parenting Multiples: A Whole Different Ball Park


 Hi all, This week we’ll hear from our Clinical Director and IBCLC, Gina Boling, as she talks about her experience with Twins and the feelings that may arise as a new parent. As an IBCLC, Gina provides practical, caring and non-judgemental support . She understands the early days of parenting can be overwhelming and will help you develop a plan that works for you to help you meet YOUR goals. Gina has advanced training in oral function, and is skilled at working with families who are having difficulty with latch, nipple pain, slow weight gain, and low milk supply. As a mother of twins, she especially enjoys working with parents of multiples.

I am a mother of twins. Before I had them, I had one baby. Having twins was by far a much different experience. The pregnancy was different, everything was different. Exponentially different. Whenever I meet with parents of multiples, obviously I am meeting with them to help with their breastfeeding goals. However, I also usually offer the following advice which has absolutely nothing to do with feeding.

It is completely normal to have different feelings toward different babies. You probably think you should “like them the same” but that doesn’t always happen. And that is ok. These feelings are common, and most parents of multiples go through this. It does not make you a bad parent, it makes you normal. When my twins were babies, I was often frustrated with one baby because she was so needy, so I felt like my other baby didn’t get enough of my attention. That made me mad. And it also made me feel like a terrible mother. Rest assured, these feelings are normal. Do not beat yourself up over this. You will love your babies as individuals, because although they were born at the same time, that’s what they are; and they each need you differently.

Another common occurrence with twins, is that sometimes you are taking care of (feeding, changing, bathing) one, and the other baby begins crying. Despite your best efforts, you cannot get to the crying baby as fast as you like. Next thing you know, you are in tears too. Don’t worry. Your baby will be fine. They are resilient little creatures.

So, if you want to be a perfect parent, do your best. Your best is perfect.

I am here to help and support you, whether you need help with breastfeeding, whether you are doing both breast and bottle, whether you need help with pumping and bottle feeding. Please reach out.

StoryAngel Yarbor