Gift ideas for lactating parents and partners (practical ideas and resources)

The biggest gift we can give our friends and/or family that are at the start of raising babies this holiday season is support. You’re probably thinking what could I get my sister, brother, cousin, or friend. I can tell you the best gift might not be the diaper genie or the bottle warmer, the super expensive stroller. The best gift might be much simpler and cheaper if we’re being completely honest.

The best gifts are always your hands, your time, or your support. And, if you can’t give that (because you might be in your own busy season!), you can gift them resources and connections.

Let’s get into some practical ideas to support a newly lactating parent:

Coming home with a newborn is filled with ooey goodness and sweet moments, but babies do come with a learning curve. Parents become responsible for keeping a tiny human alive. Keeping them fed and learning their cues. In those early days, they are learning how to feed baby, themselves, and establish connections/bonding. They are adjusting to new schedules and finding that snuggling and pumping/nursing at 4:00 am is just what it is now during this time. And, if they have multiple littles and possibly are caring for their sibling then it’s double the fun However, that does mean that they do have a lot less time and might feel a bit overwhelmed with daily tasks. This is where you come in! It may not be easy for parents to ask for help, here are a few ways for you to show up for them without them having to ask.

Join or Start their meal train 

Whew, cooking is a no-go those first few days being at home. Ideally, we’d love to have parents not cooking full meals for the first few weeks. Your lactating friend or family member needs a lot of calores during this time. Good nutrients, lots of calories, and good yummy foods. A good method to go by is eating the rainbow with plenty of fruits and veggies! When cooking for parents, you don’t need to change how you could unless that specific parent or their baby has dietary allergies, etc. Having foods that are easily accessible will help parents not only stay energized, but ensure they are receiving enough calories to sustain themselves, and their milk supply! Interested in creating a meal train, this website is super useful to create a virtual meal train for other family/friends to rally to support the lactating parent team


Give a hand with laundry, dishes, or bottle cleaning

They may not have free hands at this time for these smaller tasks! We know when as tasks begin to mount, they can add an unnecessary overwhelming layer to this time. That family will be so appreciative of the gesture. Feel free to offer this service and ask them what time they’d be interested in you stopping by, or if they aren’t yet ready for visitors - let them know you’re happy to drop by to pickup/drop-off laundry or run any of those needed errands for them. 

Give them a check-in call

Encouragement goes such a long way! Support includes positive affirmations! Good reminders that all of the feedings, poopy diapers, and the learning curve is all worth it and they are doing a good job can mean so much! Remind them that learning to nurse their baby is a marathon, not a sprint. Sometimes parents have a hard time asking or seeking help and a reminder that it is okay to reach out if help is needed. It is absolutely key to have a good support team with folks like you who want to help as well as professionals like an international board-certified lactation consultant! Check us out at The Breastfeeding Center if you haven’t already!

**** Protip: Breastfeeding Center’s board-certified lactation consultants (IBCLCs) will meet you wherever you are in your journey and will assist parents as they define their feeding goals. We’re dedicated to helping meet them at whatever objectives they have in a non-judgmental, nurturing, and accepting manner ***

Lastly, remind them to drink some water, eat a snack, or just do something for themselves! (this goes for the none breastfeeding parent too! We must support and uplift them just as much!!)

Start a Postpartum Doula fund

A doula is a professional who provides emotiona, information, and practical support directly after the birth of a little one. Depending on the doula of choice, they can affirm support your family/friend throughout those beginning days. Offer affirming, evidence-based care for parents and baby, light housework, screening for PMADS and providing resources etc. Doulas also may have varying specialities that might interest you such as nutritional care, carry out culture-specific traditions, babywearing etc.  We always say if you don’t have the time, donate! Get family, friends, and the whole support system in on it! Help them hire a doula and we promise they’ll love you forever. The services doulas provide are essential

Support your friends and your loved ones every day and always. That’s the true gift that keeps on giving and who knew there were SO many ways to do so. 

Want to learn more about how The Center can support you, or your loved ones? Check out or classes, lactation support options, or GIVE today. Text us at 202.293.5182 for admin support.

InfoAngel Yarbor