Black History Month 2022 Wrap Up with Dominique Gallo and Angel Yarbor

“ Black Women Don’t Breastfeed?”

It is true that our breastfeeding rates are far lower than other races within the same social and economic class and even education.  One reason could be stimming from wet nursing at the sacrifice of their own children during slavery and another because of lack of support. Because of the low statistical rates of breastfeeding, health professionals seem like they didn’t want to extend the efforts of support probably because they felt it to be a waste of time because “she isn’t going to do it anyway”. 

What I find wonderful about being a part of this culture is that waiting for the handout is not an option. If we want help, we are going to have to do it ourselves. With the help of grassroots efforts like R.O.S.E, Black Women Do Breastfeed, Black Mother’s Breastfeeding Association (BMBFA), The Mocha Manual, and others, the breastfeeding rates among black mothers have increased right along with the duration of breastfeeding. Some of these organizations even extend to helping decrease the maternal and infant mortality rate by training doulas and working with local midwives of color. Birth in Color RVA and Commonsense Childbirth (The JJ Way) are specific grassroots efforts to help optimize birth outcomes and lactation outcomes. 

Supporting these grassroots efforts and parents can help us to take care of our members of society. If we do not take care of our most vulnerable we can not succeed. Humanity can not succeed. 

Dominique Gallo, IBCLC, RLC

“Being is Black is Powerful.”

What an era we’re living in. These past few years have uprooted and called into question many systems this country has upheld for far too long. As a community, Black folks and Black parents have always stood in our power and handled any adversary that stood to threaten us or our children.  As a Black person and doula, I am more than proud of the parents that are claiming their right to advocacy, their right to choose a birth/lactation experience that works for them. Grateful for parents that are demanding more from their consultant, their doctor, their midwife, etc. Grateful for the healthcare professionals and organizations that are run by us and for us and are steadily and actively committed to us.

As Dominique stated above, we’ve never waited for a handout, we’ve rooted for us and literally saved our own when it seemed the world was against us. I know it isn’t an easy time to be a parent during a pandemic, but we want you to know that we see you, we hear you, and we send you love. Keep pushing, keep demanding, and know that there is joy to be had.  Seek support when necessary and never accept anything less than what you need and deserve.

“Nothing moves without us and everything is even more beautiful when we’re a part of it.”

Angel Yarbor, Doula, Outreach Coordinator of the Breastfeeding Center