Nursing Strikes: My Baby Will Not Nurse

When a baby suddenly decides to stop accepting the breast or goes on a nursing strike your first reaction may be to panic.  Do your best to stay calm and don’t take it personally. Refrain from trying to force your baby to take the breast. 

Nursing strikes can happen for any number of reasons.  Baby could be stressed, distracted, or even overstimulated; they may have an ear infection, cold, or allergy. When nursing strikes do occur, we highly recommend reaching out to a lactation consultant. A lactation consultant can provide evidence-based recommendations and support you and your baby through this process.

What should be my main priority during this time?

  • Maintaining supply: Since your body makes milk in response to how much your little one is eating (i.e supply and demand), using an alternative method to express milk is vital. Most folks choose to use an electric breast pump during this time, but hand expression or manual pumps can also be used.  We’ve got ya covered with a guide to help you choose a breast pump if you don’t yet own one.

  • Keep your baby fed: There are various alternative feeding methods to choose from.  Bottles, cups, syringes, and other feeding methods can ensure your baby continues to receive the nutrition they need.  We highly suggest teaming up with a lactation consultant when choosing an appropriate feeding method.

  • Small efforts that may make a big difference:

    • Entice your baby back to the breast by putting a little milk on your nipple.

    • Remove all negative stimuli in your feeding environment: dim the lights, keep it calm and happy. Babies who are relaxed and a little sleepy may be more open to feeding. 

    • Skin to skin contact and cuddles.  

    Rest assured that there are a number of strategies that can be introduced to help coax your baby back to the breast. You and your lactation consultant can have a more in-depth conversation regarding a plan that is personalized and suitable for your situation and collaborate on what might work best!

    Need assistance - contact The Center at 202.293.5182 or schedule an appointment with us!